

An all-in-one platform? That sounds amazing! A CeDefi platform, so a centralized decentralized finance platform.

Currently, it only supports ETH and EVM compatible chains, so the access is more widespread than on a traditional CEX or DEX, but it isn't all in one just yet. Many small chains or even competitors like Solana are not available yet.

They are connected to the Binance Cloud for their CEX part. I'm not sure if they are allowed to use their off-ramp channels as well, but from what i can tell its Crypto only. So you would need a middleman if you go to fiat.

But the platform is very comprehensive, from cross-chain trading to staking, up to portfolio management of tokens and NFTs and analytic tools.

I do think it's a lot for a newbie, so I expect their main customers will have some experience with crypto trading before entering a platform like this. But when they do, they will find it very nice to have this functionality under a click of a button, instead of searching for bridges, moving your tokens, sometimes even through 2 or 3 bridges. This can be a real pain!

But most importantly, SELF-CUSTODY over your assets with the functionality of both a CEX and a DEX. Awesome! Show Less

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