

Spoiler Alert:

Review is strictly from a user perspective.

I met founding team 2 years ago and a lot has changes since then, team optimized user experience, added more solutions, integrations and coined new term DaaS.

With simple Plug & Play solution Algebra claims to be the first DeFi protocol providing a one-stop DEX-as-a-Service (DaaS). Sounds intriguing.

Team prides itself to empowere over 60 projects with cutting-edge technology seamlessly integrated into DEXes, cross-chain protocols, aggregators, and more, challenging Uniswap and Pancakeswap, daring move.

Its growing ecosystem and list of all integrations, audits, and backers makes one tap into network, which is technical, well documented, and socially engaging.

There are 2 signature products that Algebra emphasizes on its web:

1- Algebra Integral 2- Algebra CLAMM

More of technical description can be found here:

For those who want to make sense of AMM vs CLAMM & ALM vs ALP, check the following:

P.S. The team has undergone audits by four separate firms to demonstrate their commitment to prioritizing security measures Show Less

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