I read the whitepaper, the website. Their team appeared to have a few PhD with a specialization in machine learning. However, I can't find any information about the technology, they simply wave their hands with mentioning Machine Learning with no specificity. They claim they have agents for chatbots, playing soccer, DeFi trading and asset management, digital assistant like Siri, etc. All these type of tasks needs to have their own infrastructure and technologies. This requires hundreds of millions to develop. Lately, people have been raving about chatGPT from OpenAI, which has a billion dollar budget and thousands of the top quality PhD in the field of Artificial Intelligence. There is nothing to me that indicate that this project has the ability to deliver on their promise. Could they have at least explained if they are using Deep Reinforcement Learning and any specific architecture or techniques? I'm highly suspicious that this is a smoke screen to get investors money. Show Less

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