Everything looks almost perfect. Great deck and website. Sadly I couldn't signup to their service because it's US only, so I couldn't judge the product itself. But everything else looks like a fully developed and very well designed platform.

The team is only only 5 people, which seems very small for what they've produced.

However, there's a couple of things that make me skeptical:

  1. The "Start taking control of your investments today!" section at the bottom of the website doesn't make sense. It shouldn't be there in the first place as it has nothing to do with their product. When you click on "pricing" you get to a page with Lorem ipsum text. This makes you feel like the product isn't as ready as everything else makes pretends to be. At the face of it, it looks like a million dollar product that's been running for a while, but the lorem ipsum text makes it look like a pre-launch startup... Something's not right.

  2. The pre-launch hypothesis is further supported by their revenue projections chart, which looks impressive, but is actually forward looking, starting with what looks like 0 revenues today. Not clear at all..

Next is their YouTube channel found at the website footer. 1 Subscriber and 9 views. No other community as well.

In summary, it's a very nice looking deck and website. But the project lacks any credible information beyond those. It's extremely hard to judge their progress.

To be fair, maybe their product is great, but I wasn't able to try it out due to regional restrictions. Also, they don't seem to have a token economy built into their business, so I guess there's no potential fir a rug pull, and therefore no need for the credibility required for a tokenized project. I'll give it 4 stars, because they really did a great job presenting and maybe it's a good thing that their website makes them look more ready than they are. But I'd require a lot more information on their progress, compliance, tech, business model and how they'll handle potential volatility between the crypto payments they receive and USD payments they make to suppliers before I'd invest, to mention just a few open questions I have.

I'm not an expert in the financial industry at all, but my gut feeling is that there's lots of high stakes regulatory and security issues to deal with, considering that they'd be handling a lot of money. I'd be particularly concerned with the volatility of getting payments in BTC for example and potentially not converting that to USD immediately to pay for the customer's bills. If it doesn't get converted immediately, then the business model seems to be betting on crypto always going up. If it does get converted immediately, then I'm not sure if the 1% service charge is enough to cover exchange losses and potentially high overheads to handle the legal and security issues.

That's just my two cents from a non expert perspective. Would love to be educated if I'm wrong.. Show Less

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