I feel that one of the best use cases of the metaverse will be concerts.

People will be able to attend virtual concerts, which will legitimately be able to provide a unique experience, compared to live concerts.

From an artist's perspective, they can make much more money by holding a worldwide concert, instead of going through the time and expense of going on a physical tour. There is also the potential to sell NFTs, merch and more.

There are a lot of potential benefits.

Animal Concerts appears to be one of the leaders in this fledging industry and they already appear to have partnerships with artists like Snoop Dogg, Alicia Keys and Busta Rhymes.

However, there are obviously a lot of contingencies to Animal Concerts finding success. Minus 1 star because they could be too early. But overall, it looks like they are an early mover in an industry that has a ton of potential. Show Less

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