Everything about their business is great, however they are not disclosing any revenue as of yet and they are still valuing their business at $68M... How much is a crypto analytics aggregator really worth?... most likely less than $1B. Which company is likely to buy them and would result in ROI for investors? Their existing list of investors doesn't show any tier 1 VC. As sad as it is to say, I wouldn't invest at this valuation considering the stage of the business. If the valuation was $12M-$20M maybe I'd consider it. If they want to be valued at $68M, I'd want to see $2M to $4M of yearly revenue growing at more than 30% MoM. Without revenue, they would need to grow at insane rate with users, but they only disclose market growth, not their own user growth (do they even have users??). Typical equity raise at seed level is often 20% to 30% of equity being bought by the VC, somehow they are selling less than 5% of the business. I just feel they overvalue their business by a very large margin and won't attract tier 1 VC's.

I'd say the utility of the service is great, most likely won't have mass appeal, but traders and asset manages will find the service useful most likely.

Team: No heavy hitter, but young team with decent experience in blockchain. I'd say that part is good enough for leading this project. Show Less

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