Compound is one of the pillars upon which the DeFi world stands. I appreciate what they offer and how they secure their platform. Users can deposit their assets to receive cTokens as a representation of their collateral. Each cToken has an exchange rate to the underlying assets that increases over time. This means that users earn an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) through the increasing exchange rate from cToken to Token. Another great feature of Compound is that users can borrow against their collateral. What users can borrow and what Total Value Locked (TVL) to set for specific tokens are determined by on-chain voting. What I truly admire about Compound is their use of on-chain voting.

Additionally, Compound has a partnership with OpenZeppelin to provide dedicated continuous audit services for all Compound governance proposals. This feature is highly effective, although it can be expensive. Nevertheless, I believe this feature makes Compound a secure and efficient platform.

P.S. Check DAO proposal Show Less

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