There are a lot of things that I like about this project, but I don't think that it will be successful.

Here's why...

First, they are not using a blockchain, but a lattice database, similar to MongoDB. I've used SQL databases for years and they make sense. Blockchains also make sense. Lattice DBs are a little out there and are harder to understand. Therefore, I don't see this catching on.

Second, I don't see any mention of peers getting rewards for processing transactions. So what is the benefit of running a peer then?

Next, the peers with the most stake have the most power. So people will be able to splash some cash and instantly have a lot of power on the network. That doesn't make sense.

Finally, they want to make the system fully user governed in the next 5 years. Total user governance is a nice ideal, but rarely works, especially when the people with the most stake have the most power. A lot of people only care about number go up too.

In spite of all this, what I do like about it is that they are providing something different, the transaction speeds are very fast and their solution is not forkable. Forking has benefits, but I like that this project decided to take a different approach.

Overall, it's a cool idea, but I think it lacks some key elements. Show Less

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