The project's tag on X states "DG will revolutionise finance by combining two powers: real estate and crypto." The idea is that the project founders, both of whom have experience in real estate, will buy properties and use the rents from those properties to buy back DYN tokens from exchanges and burn them. I, however, have a few questions/comments about this:

  1. If you read the whitepaper carefully it states "we MAY buy back tokens on a discretionary basis in the exchanges where they are listed." So does that mean the founders can decide on a whim whether to perform the main function they are promising to do for investors?
  2. The project positions real estate as a secure asset however we know it can be volatile. Just look at commercial real estate during Covid lockdowns.
  3. The token has very little utility. There is a promise to be able to use it to make purchases but even Bitcoin hasn't really achieved this ability. Why would this coin be different?
  4. The last question asked in TG was back in April, enquiring about any news on the project. Since then, only silence.

This feels to me a bit like just raising funds and using investor money to be able to buy global real estate. Show Less

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