

I love the ideology behind Dyor + what they are trying to achieve by incentivizing positive investing + knowledge sharing among fellow investors. This aligns well with the ethos we embrace here at Cyrator. The prospect of earning tokens through their app by participating in challenges, achieving milestones, and sharing research + insights with the community is something I find appealing. Being part of such a platform would enable me to delve deeper into web3 investing + discover more high-quality projects within the space, which I am always eager to do.

I have some concerns regarding the project's name, while it is clever + represents web3 very well there are already several $DYOR tokens listed in the cryptoworld, with three of them already listed on CMC. To establish themselves as the true default DYOR token, they will need to undertake effective marketing strategies to stand out from the rest.

One aspect that I found lacking was a comprehensive lite/whitepaper that could provide a more in-depth breakdown of the project’s ecosystem + its tokenomics. Provide me with this and I like it as much as what I have seen from the website + I will increase my rating from 3* to maybe 4/5*. Show Less

2024 Cyrator - Crypto Research Community

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