

#Idea and Whitepaper 3/5 Giving a fair share to farmers due to a open marketplace and monetize with a blockchain. Web3 solution needed? As a information system, yes. Utility Token needed?No, the token isn't really needed. Just put small tax in the trading fees and that's it. But you want a token? Ok, the tax rewards should Only be given to Liquidity providers and the platform itself. Governance token? Most of people won't want to meddle in specifics governance that they don't understand at all. The Whitepaper doesn't provide acknowledgeable about how the shipping and customs works nor their expertise in it. #Team - 4/5 stars The team section has some information about the Founders. Marketing and Blockchain Founders has good socials, but the Business partner had little information, Advisors: There are some good known Web3 Law names and + #Tokenomics 2/5 Accepting that a token is needed: It should only have Rewards for liquidity (Stable+FARMS) and Foundation (To pay costs such as Team,Advisrs,Mktng) #Other -Found info that a web2 framework is already working since 2018. (beanboat) -Found a legit 33k funding in 2020 to beanboat. Show Less

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