I imagine if Wikileaks or whistle blowers used their solution where interested parties could access encrypted files, it could be the next level of file sharing industry disruption.

Concept: (1 star)

I enjoyed looking at competitive landscape and how digital content creators could use their solution using encryption, i assume it`s applicable to both B2C and B2B, moreover it looks like a perfect manifestation of zero knowledge proof.

WEB: (1 star)

While I do like the simplicity of a landing page that showcases solution for its target audience, I wish the team could elaborate more on functionality, include a one minute explanation, provide FAQ, use cases, blog and so on.

Deck: (1 star)

Comparing with web, deck is an outstanding, despite the infancy of the project team did a good job of communicating the core idea in just 13 slides, i can tell, this is not an easy task to do, it takes/requires lots of thinking, back and forth communication with VCs

Social (No star)

I assume the team has limited resources and time to invest, thus, social media is not well developed and yet its higher-ups have been active in various events, developing telegram group chats connecting web 3 enthusiasts that i am part of myself, especially across Turkiye.

Even though i feel bad with my current rating, I sincerely hope to increase it after measurable progress, moreover support and use it for my personal needs. Show Less

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