
GhostDrive is an nice project that aims to leverage the IPFS protocol, offering a user experience reminiscent of a next-generation operating system. While the investor deck is unfortunately unavailable, the quality of their website is impressive and piques curiosity.

This type of project is highly compelling as it enables file hosting on the blockchain, which is a use case that holds great potential. The ability to utilize the IPFS protocol for file hosting is a forward-thinking approach, potentially revolutionizing the way files are stored and accessed.

One of the project's strengths is its intelligent pricing strategy, which has the potential to attract a large user base if the solution lives up to its promises.

GhostDrive presents a fascinating concept with the potential to disrupt the file hosting industry by leveraging blockchain and IPFS technology. Its well-thought-out pricing strategy and impressive website design bode well for attracting users. The project's long-term success will depend on its ability to maintain security and deliver on its promises. Show Less

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