Setting aside the unappealing branding & visually unimpressive website, one major concern I have with this project is the lack of detailed information about their AI technology. As a project supposedly centred around AI, it is essential to provide an in-depth breakdown of how the technology works, how it will be trained etc. Unfortunately, I could not find any substantial information in any of their documents that addresses these crucial points.

They also claim to have a partnership with Open AI which seems very questionable – maybe they think using ChatGBT counts as a partnership..

Another red flag is the revenue projections they have presented. These revenue projections appear to be absurd & arbitrary numbers without any solid reasoning or evidence to support them.

The project's reliance on a dual token economy also poses a significant risk of failure. Managing and maintaining two separate tokens can be complex and challenging to sustain.

If this project aims to be taken seriously in the field of AI, it needs to provide comprehensive, technically sound, well-written and evidence backed content. Without this it is difficult to believe that they have a viable chance of success. Show Less

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