There's a list of good reasons not to touch HEX with a barge pole in my opinion.

Firstly the entire system is run by a criminal. Richard Heart, an absolute clown (just watch any of his videos online and you’’ll see what I mean instantly), he has been scamming people for decades and is still at it by the looks of things. In the 2000’s, Richard Heart became known as the ‘spam king’ as he would use various extortion methods to get money from websites. Also when interviewed about HEX, Richard Heart refused to state who owned the Ethereum master wallet for the projects. All a bit suspect if you ask me.

Secondly, HEX has no real use case other than pure speculation really, and 38% promised returns are a massive red flag. As the famous saying goes.. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is..

HEX’s staking mechanism reads like a Ponzi scheme and you can clearly see from its price chart below the house of cards has come well and truly tumbling down on this ponzi. It is now over 99% down from its ATH. I currently have more faith in Hamas and the Israeli government sitting down together for Christmas dinner than HEX returning to anywhere near its ATHs. Show Less

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