Sometimes you don’t need to see much to know enough…

While I think a product like the ib-wallet is needed, the current implementation, features, and tokenomics concern me.

The chosen platform for the Crypto Gateway - WordPress (ouch).

Here are a few facts from 2023:

  • WordPress is one of the most targeted CMSs on the internet.
  • At least 13,000 WordPress websites are hacked per day.
  • Almost 1 in every 25 WordPress sites has been hacked.

The RFID Card - While this seems to make storing and keeping your seed phrase easier, it can be a double-edged sword that makes it easier for a hacker to use the data if the card is lost or stolen. Also, RFID & NFC is not 100% hack-proof.

The tokenomics are not pretty!

Firstly, the numbers do not match anywhere; the allocation, pie chart, & vesting all show different numbers (see pic)!

Secondly, this is almost all team or team-controlled.

Depending on where you look: 15%-18% goes to Investors. 65%-70%+ goes to the Team, Advisors + Treasury & Marketing (which the team controls). ONLY 5%-6.5% goes to the ecosystem (which the team likely also controls).

Sorry, but this needs to be reworked from the ground up! Show Less

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