Ok, interesting to find a project that is wrapping ERC-721/NFTs and then renting them out as rentable in-game worth. Nice idea, but what is actually going on with the project? A large community of over 3k users with more Pepe images and prelaunch marketing than real utility conversations.

At the moment there is nothing actually working and the team states it is still running on the Polygon Mumbai testnet and has no token.

The docs, https://docs.iq.space/ is substantially conceptual. Their LinkedIn has fake accounts connected to their company and will consider doing your own due diligence.

Does the road map state seed round is closed, and?

if you look into the three projects [https://app.iq.space/] (Parsiq owned by the CEO), being promoted as a rental and staking token, you will see some strange KuCoin 9 activity and very little going on with the actual tokens being promoted. Read into that what you will.

So the idea (like most concepts) looks intriguing enough to be sucked into it, the marketing effort seems to be much more than the development. After my own personal due diligence, it is a NO. Show Less

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