Initially I found the name 'Launchpad XYZ' to be quite misleading as it led me to believe that they were a launchpad when in fact they are a data analytics platform for tokens in the web3 world. The whitepaper provided by the project lacks depth & primarily consists of vague web3 buzzwords without offering a thorough exploration of how the project intends to make a significant impact in these sectors beyond a superficial one sentence description.

One aspect that raises scepticism is their claim of using AI to help users discover the next big token. This appears to be more of a gimmick feature to generate hype and leverage the buzz surrounding AI.

Furthermore, Launchpad XYZ has made numerous promises on their roadmap some of which seem unrealistic within the given timeline. Someone once told me 'the best businesses excel at one thing extremely well, at least to start with'. Launchpad XYZ on the other hand seems to be attempting to engage in every aspect of the web3 world including DEXs, trading, AI & NFTs. By focusing solely on their data analytics platform + considering a rebranding to better reflect their core offering, they could potentially increase their chances of success. Show Less

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