1 star with 0 hesitation.

I've seen the same presentation as LB and it was hands down the worst I've ever seen. Their Founder, Co-founder and CSO all spoke and it was just a feast of arrogant feature and name dropping without explaining a single technological aspect (even upon being asked) or a shred of credibility. I'm paraphrasing, but they basically said "we're solving all blockchain problems ever, will become a trillion dollar company and you can get in at a 50M valuation (or something like that), and if you don't then you're stupid.

It felt like they've decided to pack 100 red flags in a bag and dish them out one after the other for 90 min straight.

Some people still give projects like these the benefit of the doubt and want to dive into their whitepaper, etc. I implore you to value your time more highly. Every gem is hidden beneath 20 regular projects and every regular project is hidden beneath 20 scams. My advice is to drop a project once you see the 3rd red flag (or even earlier). Let's spend our community's time on projects that deserve it. Show Less

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