Pretty much everything about this project is awesome.

MarsBase — Web3 Secondaries and OTC platform for SAFT, SAFE & illiquid crypto assets p2p-trading, one solution to rule them all.

mars helps early investors to sell or buy locked assets, shares, options, distressed or undervalued assets, illiquid tokens with high price impact and slippage.

mars is developing protocol for escrow relations between buyers and sellers, and proxy wallet which will help to create secondary market immediately after making investment.

Marketplace for secondary deal+ OTC platform provided awesome user experience, having used the gig for 10 mins, i was instantly caught up reading, checking out white paper.

Traction: 650+ B2B clients ( VC, Family offices, Syndicates) | $228M+ published OTC deal (validation required) but based on activity online and traction across social media, it looks promising.

Content development across socials is ruining all the mojo, the feel is a good looking girl that is terribly dressed, so much can be done about it.

I hope team will look into their content development distribution and promotion strategy, but product is a killer. Show Less

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