WiFI powered by WEB 3!

Accessing Wi-Fi using decentralized identifiers (DIDs).

Metablox developing the first decentralized WI-Fi open roaming and one that is accessable to everyone.

What does it mean, to everyone?

Metablox provides (or trying to provide) a free and completely decentralized solution to public WiFi enabling WiFi open roaming, where users stay continuously connected.

It lets users connect and roam across the Wireless Broadband Alliance’s (WBA’s) 2 million+ OpenRoaming WiFi hotspots.

The DID-based login mechanism is compatible with WiFi roaming technology because it enables automatic and passwordless user authentications which means DID-users can travel from hotspot to hotspot while staying seamlessly connected.

Where does blockchain come into play?

MetaBlox’s WiFi routers are also crypto miners owned by users, who receive the rewards the miners generate while providing WiFi. MBLX tokens will be generated by staking current mining rewards, called mPoints.

At the same time, users can add their existing routers’ networks to MetaBlox via MetaBlox app, to earn mPoints, which i did, see attached.

This token-incentivized WiFi deployment method gives individual consumers control over wireless networks and the data transferred over them.

Luv the idea, creative or rather innovative approach in using existing infrastructure, incetivization mechanism for miners and industry overall. Show Less

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