

Modus is a fractionalized real estate platform for the UK market. I don't know the real estate market in UK, but I find it very difficult to believe there is a lack of liquidity to fuel growth. It seems to me that smart money want to use tokenization to dump on the masses. Commercial real estate is struggling in many areas of the world, and retail real estate is it really growing in the UK? It's not because historical performance averaged 15% APY that it will remain with looming economic struggles. I'm not entirely against fractional real estate, but I'd aim at innovating a bit more than the standard model with real estate that offers higher profit margins than the standard model.

Why would large investors in the token get a discount? If you compare tier 19 to 1, you pay $2.22/MOD for tier 1, while paying $0.38 for tier 19 (which also contains a typo... 4 zeros instead of 3). This imply that poor people give their money to rich people... not cool.

I would tweak the entire model to favor peer-to-peer fractional ownership instead of a model that smart money dump on retail real estate novice. Show Less

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