I'm not familiar with how many other liquid staking projects there is on Aptos, but for anyone serious at joining this project (users or investors) I'd look more deeply into it. I don't feel there is anything innovative or different but that's ok as long as they can get market share hence why competitors landscape is so important.


I'd prefer to see longer vesting. Most early stage investors including the strategic investors are fully vested in their first year... How can you say they are a long term strategic investors if they are out after 12 months.... (-1 star just for that one)


It's 2 guys that seems to be going from project to project. Will there be anyone maintaining this project 4 years down the road? I'd like to see commitment. If the founders are out of the door after 3 years, should they really get 8% of the supply each? Is that how the 16% Team token is split? They are relying on an external service provider for development, so they obviously won't have long term commitment unless they get paid. It just doesn't feel like a project that will last because I'm not convinced there will be anyone pushing this project up the hill during the rough time. Show Less

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