The mechanics of this doesn't make sense. In my opinion, they just want to collect ETH and artificially boost the value of the NFTs on the platform. This will have to crash at some point. Here are the reasons that I give this project 1 star.

For starters, the English on the homepage is not good. It's not the worst I've ever seen, but there are glaring mistakes. Always a red flag.

Second, the homepage says: "NFT liquidity often pertains to the ability to add NFTs to a liquidity pool and receive LP (liquidity provider) tokens in return." That's not true. Liquidity is basically how easy it is to trade the instrument, so that's already misleading.


Third, you have to deposit ETH when you mint a NFT. That's a little suspicious. I could see if they called it a listing fee, but this is linked to liquidity.

Finally, all of the emphasis is on the staking returns, not the quality of the NFTs. The best NFT platform focus on showcasing the best NFTs, not the rewards. Show Less

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