While I think that tapping games are next level retarded, I really like NOTcoin because of their "don't give a f*ck" attitude and turning everything on its head..

Their whitepaper is literally 9 pages of "white" pages.. no information on it whatsoever. Their tokenomics are upside down too. They chose to drop all tokens on day one, just like a meme coin. It's radical, but I think that's something that a lot more projects will consider in the future in order to avoid the death spiral of vesting schedules.

Most of all I love the branding and their exploratory and playful nature on figuring out what they'll actually do with this. The plan seems quite simple: Get traction first and then monetize that traction. Which I think is beautifully simple. The branding allows them to literally do whatever they want.

While I haven't done enough research to write a full review yet, I wanted to share these thoughts to see what you guys think...

NOTcoin Whitepaper: https://cdn.joincommunity.xyz/notcoin/Notcoin_Whitepaper.pdf Source: https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/8939381414978 Show Less

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