I must commend this project for having one of the most confusing marketing approaches I have ever encountered. For those interested in exploring this project, here's a mini-guide to help you navigate through the complexities:

Warning! Navigating this project can seriously damage your content navigation skills. To avoid getting lost, I recommend [Mac: command-click] OR [PC: control-clicking] every link on their website. Otherwise, you may find yourself off-site in unfamiliar territory, relying solely on the back button to save you.

Their main website can be found at https://ordinals.com, although it doesn't really look like it.

The FAQ, which is the only way to truly understand the project, is located on a subdomain: https://docs.ordinals.com/faq.html, in the documents section. Surprisingly, it is incredibly useful. However, once you delve into it, you become a bit of a ranger...

With caution, you can attempt to navigate the information, but you'll end up with numerous open tabs as you bounce between GitHub, subdomains, and more GitHub pages.

Now, I can't claim to fully comprehend this project, as it would take a lifetime to read and navigate through all the information. However, in simple terms, it seems that ordinals are numbers that can be used with various assets, such as NFTs, security tokens, accounts, or coins. So, reading between the lines, the project proposes a method to link things like stablecoins and NFTs, or security tokens and accounts, through Satoshi's/ordinals (thus connecting them to Bitcoin) due to their originality.

From a marketing perspective, this project exhibits some of the worst implementation and execution I have ever seen. Despite the project's attempt to address intriguing use cases with Bitcoin, I will focus my analysis on the marketing aspect rather than the idea itself.

The project heavily relies on the community for marketing, which would be fine if they at least included a link to their Discord community on their homepage. I had to search and read the readme.txt on GitHub to find a link to their community: "Join the Discord server to chat with fellow ordinal degenerates."

At the time of my analysis, the community boasted 18,294 members, with 3,712 of them online. This is impressive and provides some reassurance about the team and their marketing efforts elsewhere in the project. Clearly, the team prioritizes the project itself and the projects built using this technology, rather than marketing themselves in the traditional sense. The project appears to be a utility, accompanied by well-documented and well-structured knowledge, rather than relying on old-fashioned marketing techniques.

Browsing through the Discord sections was a refreshing and highly addictive experience. The team's communication was detailed, and they promptly responded to all questions and inquiries, keeping the community well-informed. It is evident that they prioritize supporting the community as they evolve their usage of this exciting approach within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

In conclusion, this team focuses on marketing the utility of the project while supporting the community in exploring new ways to utilize and contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem. It's understandable why many eyes are closely following this project. However, they could make more effort in facilitating information discovery through conventional means, reducing the necessity for users to rely on Discord for assistance. This project is definitely one to watch! Show Less

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