Team: They claim they come from a top tier gaming studio, but I only see blockchain devs on their team on the website... where are the game developers that have worked on AAA games? On the pitch deck they show 1 game designer and 1 game developer, that's pretty slim in terms of game development strength.

They are not fixing any problems with the current play-to-earn model, which is that without high spenders (whales), that spend more than they earn, game economies are unsustainable. They clearly state that casual games needs to monetize their time... sure, but where is the players that come to enjoy the game and spend more than they earn?

I tried their demo game, and it's a standard match-3 gameplay like Candy Crush. It's fun enough and usually attrack female players, so often doesn't require massive development budgets. You can even buy whitelabelled version of those games, and development cost can be as low as $20K, however there is a lot of competition since there are many version of that game model.

Tokenomics: How is the treasury managed? There is no mention that the treasury is invested and generating income on it's own, that could be a revenue streams that feedback into the token economy and reward players, but that doesn't look to be the case. So, I'd say it's an unsustainable token economy.

The team has 20% of the token supply and also control 10% of the treasury, as well as 32% of the gaming ecosystem fund, and 18% for marketing... that leaves almost nothing to the community, 1% is allocated to the public launch, so retail investors will get dumped by the team, and early investors. 48 months vesting for the team token, that part is better than most crypto projects.

They have a game economist on the team, but does that economist understand web3 economies? Doesn't appear so based on the tokenomic model. Show Less

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