2 points to kick off with:

Freemium and subscription are my favourite business models AI, especially generative one is a next (if not current) big deal

PONS is encompassing both.


I like the idea of an integrated value chain for the digital economy that encapsulated 3 component making this project quite interesting:

AI (On demand creation of digital collectible) Blockchain (Multichain instant payments) Asset applicaton/Utlization (the use of collectibles in marketing and gaming)

Allowing merchants use the web app to turn phone-taken product images into brand-compliant marketing content 100X cheaper and in seconds, then allowing the content to be shared across WEB 2 and 3 (Social media/metaverse)

Entities can team up with creatives/influencers using AI, WEB 2 and WEB 3

Incubation and acceleration:

PONS.ai is accelerated by HKAI Lab (supported by Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund and HKSTP), Outlier Ventures and NVIDIA Inception; incubated by Sequoia China and HKXF's "X-PLAN 19"; and recently featured in Google Web3, CES, Web Summit, Startup Grind Global, Art Central and K11 MUSEA.

These are big names with big promises.


Great team of AI engineers with PhDs.

Public and Media exposure Despite their early stage they have already been features across local media in Hong Kong and making some splash organically.

Listed B2B clients:

There are stellar companies that are listed on the deck that are expected to be their clients, if they indeed succeed in onboarding them that would be grand slam


Informative and yet seems to be in need of more structure work making it easy for Partners or VCs to make better sense of their offering, product market fit, detail how 3 pricing policies are going to work for B2C, B2B and user acquisition strategy, details on nature of partnerships. Show Less

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