Scallop strikes me as an interesting protocol as they are the first DeFi AMM protocol receiving grants from Sui. Scallop is a lending platform and seems to have an interesting product line (although they are currently on Testnet) of lending, borrowing, flash loans and also integrate tokenisation of debt onto their protocol as Market Coins.

They also have a pool on Solana that opens up an additional market for them - and it looks promising as they could potentially be cross-chain and build on other L1s as well.

I can't seem to see how the their token (when IDO-ing in Q4'23) comes into play. I would assume that the tokenomics would be similar to that of Uniswap - as a governance token, or also to be generated as rewards for depositing funds into pools as a lender. It would be great if there could be some information regarding tokenomics within the docs, but I do understand the product is young and are focused on building the product.

Also, without the link provided by Cyrator, the first link I found when searching for 'Scallop Crypto" was a payments project instead, and does not appear until the second google search page unless I add in 'Sui' to the search parameters. Show Less

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