

Stratos is a Web 3.0 Infrastructure project combining narratives like decentralised storage and decentralised computing.

Stratos is currently the lowest mcap storage/computing infrastructure project in the entire crypto space currently trading at 11 million mcap which means huge potential growth to catch up with its competitors (Filecoin -2.3 billion mcap, Arweave - 389 million mcap and Theta - 1 billion mcap).

The IDO price of Stratos was $0.33 in June 2021 and it peaked at $5.48 at the end of Nov 2021. This may've been partially due to video posted by Bitboy in Oct 2021

In January 2023, the Tropos 5, Stratos' decentralized storage testnet launched with a number of new features and improvements made on existing ones. Currently, Stratos is undergoing a full security audit by BlockSec, after which will be the mainnet launch. All bugs that are being found through testing are being reported via bi-weekly reports.

The goal of Stratos to be the foundation (decentralized cloud) of the Blockchain industry may be coming closer to fruition and if they can achieve this, even in part, I believe investors will be greatly rewarded, especially if they buy soon while the price is still low.

Sources: CMC, YouTube, Show Less

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