Just like STEPN I'm left wondering where the buying volume is coming from. They allude to buying volume coming from 50% of the DAO profits being used to buyback the token from the market. However, the DAO revenues comes from a wallet, a DEX, and ads, airdrops of other projects that want to tap into their community, etc. Unfortunately, none of these revenue streams are sustainable if the community size of SWEAT decline which is the case. It is yet another negative network effect, works well when adoption grows, but suffer massively when adoption halts or decline. All these types of projects needs to build either real utility, or real revenue streams. Every projects lately are building a DEX in their roadmap... do they even understand how costly this is, and how hard it is to get market shares, where are the liquidity coming from, etc... SWEAT seems slightly better in economics than STEPN, but still to me it's financially unsustainable to pay people to be active, money to pay users has to come from somewhere, if it comes only from the users themselves, then no one would accept to pay more than they earn, otherwise they quit and can do exercise on their own without having to pay an app and losing additional money doing so. Show Less

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