The TON community is massive, dynamic, and loves to learn, create, and build on TON. Four solid points: TON Telegram Announcement is well-organized with a pinned message that makes it easy to find all relevant information, links, decentralized exchanges, White Paper, and resources needed to explore this exciting technology. The TON for Developers channel is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in learning. TON Telegram Chat is also bustling with activity, providing insightful answers and assistance from knowledgeable moderators and helpful bots. The Twitter account is a lively source of education and inspiration for developers, with daily posts that generate a lot of engagement from the community. If you're looking for a vibrant and informative community passionate about blockchain, these channels are a great place to start.

Channel (Score| Stats) and Comments:

  • Telegram (Score: 4 | Size: >513K)

What's Good: Four main active Telegram channels with a combined size of over 513,000 members. The Telegram Community channel promotes blockchain and all it does, with a pinned message storing all relevant information, links, decentralized exchanges, the White Paper, and other social channels. The TON for Developers Telegram channel and TON Chat are both active and helpful, with crafted answers from moderators and helpful bots.

What Could be Improved: It may take some effort to find the Telegram TON Community Chat channel and TON Developers channel through the website.

  • Twitter (Score: 4 | Size: >186K)

What's Good: The Twitter account is active with educational content for developers and highly engaged with blockchain promotions. Daily posts receive thousands of views, likes, and reposts from the community.

What Could be Improved: The lack of a massive database of educational videos for the community.

  • LinkedIn (Score: 3 | Size: >700)

What Could be Improved: There is no activity on the LinkedIn channel. Show Less

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