This is a perfect example of a real-world use case for NFTs.

Tunedly is a service that allows people to get involved with the music discovery and investment process.

Here's how it works...

First, you go on their website and vote for songs that they are thinking of buying. You get one vote per day. If one of the songs that you voted for gets a contract, you get an NFT for the royalties. These can be popular "radio" songs, but they can also be background music or music for commercials.

The amount of royalties that you get every month will be determined by how much Tunedcoin you have, relative to all of the other NFT holders for that song, and how much the contract for the song earns.

So let's say that a song has $100 per month as the revenue share for NFT holders, and there are 2 NFT holders with Tunedcoin (just to keep things simple). NFT holder #1 has 750 Tunedcoin and other has 250 Tuned coin. In this example, NFT holder #1 will get $75 per month and NFT holder #2 will get $25.

Only 4 stars because this project is new and needs to be proven. But is looks very promising and makes a lot of sense because it gets the public involved with the music selection process. Show Less

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