Twin Protocol is a platform that uses AI and blockchain to create shareable digital twins of individuals. These digital twins can solve major business problems and unlock new opportunities for monetization. With strong technology and an innovative model, Twin Protocol has the potential to disrupt how expertise is shared and accessed globally.

Problem: Businesses lose knowledge when employees depart, and it's hard to access specialized skills for short-term projects.

Solution: TwinProtocol creates digital twins of individuals that capture their knowledge and skills. These digital twins can work and share knowledge even when the person is not physically present.

How it works: Users train their digital twin by uploading data like Q&As, documents, and recordings. AI analyzes the data to build a personalized model that mimics the person's knowledge and personality. The trained models can be accessed by others through natural conversation interfaces.

Technology: TwinProtocol combines AI, blockchain, and AR/VR technology. It's built on top of SingularityNET, a decentralized AI network, for advanced AI capabilities. Show Less

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