

To establish an inclusive + accessible financing platform with low barriers, is a commendable goal. However there are concerns about the platform that deserve attention.

Firstly VeDAO identifies itself as an AI-driven platform, but the specifics of their AI tech are not well-documented. The primary AI tool they mention is ChatGPT, which is not optimal for crypto research or data mining. This raises questions about the credibility + effectiveness of their AI tech.

Secondly I am going to be a bit biased here and say their review + ratings system does not work as well as Cyrator’s. The scoring dimensions categories are not as relevant, + there is a lack of transparency with the composition of the "Expert + Governance Committee." This could potentially lead to biased reviews influenced by project affiliations/partnerships. Also there appears to be no mechanism in place to guarantee that these reviews consistently provide value and are factually accurate.

The platform's most significant advantage lies in its impressive user base boasting over 10k real users, 220 KOLs, more than 130 institutions & 80+ institutional partners. These numbers demonstrate a strong foundation to build on. Show Less

2024 Cyrator - Crypto Research Community

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