Xelis is a decentralized cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy, scalability, and fast transactions. Built on a custom blockchain, Xelis is designed to ensure untraceable and confidential payments. It stands out with the following key features:

  • Privacy: Strong encryption keeps transactions confidential and anonymous.
  • Scalability: Handles a large number of transactions efficiently, avoiding congestion and high fees.
  • Fast Transactions: Optimized for quick confirmations, making it suitable for everyday use.
  • Custom Blockchain: Not a fork of existing blockchains, tailored specifically for its goals.

Xelis is particularly suited for private payments, decentralized applications (DApps), and international transfers, thanks to its low fees, speed, and privacy features.

As of now, the price of Xelis (XEL) is approximately $10.64 per token. The market cap for Xelis stands at around $9.99 million, with a circulating supply of 937,415 XEL tokens. The total supply is slightly higher, at 937,533 XEL. Over the past week, Xelis has seen significant price fluctuations, with its value increasing by almost 90% in just seven days.

Xelis is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency with fast, scalable transactions and a market cap near $10 million. It’s gaining attention for its untraceable transactions, though its success depends on continued growth and adoption. With strong recent performance, Xelis shows potential to stand out in the crypto space. Show Less

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