Decent marketing overall. They've got almost everything that's needed, but it isn't organized very well, making it hard to find the information that you need. What i'm missing is a whitepaper and deeper explanations of their technology. What I'm loving is their extensive analytics on Dune and a pretty good YouTube channel.


  • Great partners listed in the ecosystem tab
  • Good analytics on Dune. This saves them from a 3 star rating.
  • Lots of heavy documentation for teams who want to integrate their technology.
  • You can't easily tell what they do at first glance, but it's easy enough to tell after a while and they use pretty easy to understand language.
  • Ok video introducing their token and its benefits.
  • Lots of good short videos on their YouTube channel.


  • Website feels messy overall. There's lots and lots of sub pages for all their different services.
  • Learn more buttons rarely lead to places where you can learn more. Usually it's a new website dedicated to the thing you wanted to learn about, but then that page is filled with high level features instead of explanations. Learn more buttons should lead to simple blog type posts where something is explained.
  • Couldn't find a whitepaper. It's really hard to find any specific infos on their technology.
  • They have an intro video on YouTube, but honestly it's pretty cheap, also only says what they do, not how and is a pretty cheesy production. Show Less
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