I appreciate how straightforward it is to connect your web3 wallet with Beez Trip's website and book a flight seamlessly. Their successful beta launch is a reassuring sign, reinforcing the fact that their product is already operational.

Currently, the platform's user interface leaves room for improvement, appearing somewhat tailored to the Japanese market. If Beez Trip intends to expand globally, they should consider adopting branding that appeals to a more international audience.

One area of concern is their pitch deck, which could benefit from additional essential information. It should outline their future plans, such as whether they aspire to become a comprehensive travel platform akin to Travala or if they intend to remain focused solely on flights. It's also crucial to understand their stance on creating a token in the future (I would advise against it) and gain insight into their business model. Details regarding platform fees and any other revenue streams they rely on for sustainability would be valuable.

Beez Trip shows promise as a functional project, but there's a need for greater transparency and detail to instill confidence in potential investors and users. Show Less

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