I am all for an app that encourages me to be healthier. One that pays me in tokens to be healthier is even better. So I love the idea behind this project. Following an AMA with Asher, one of the core team members, I have revised my review from 3 stars to 4. He spoke to us from within his existing heath shop and mentioned the large number of big brands they work with.

  1. I feel more confident the technology of the app is tried and proven and will be able to work as they are claiming it will. I understand it is not to be used to diagnose any illness or problems, but rather to provide baseline readings of one's health day to day to encourage a healthier lifestyle.

  2. It seems that as far as competition, this project is in a league of its own and is doing things beyond what other typical 'move to earn' projects are doing

I think it is a very promising project, especially if wellbeing, sports and medical companies provide sponsorship which can foster a more holistic approach and provide more liquidity. I am especially curious about in-person events that can be paid for using $bliv. Having IRL events will set the project apart from others already in existence. Show Less

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