BurgerCities is a metaverse gamefi, born in may22, evolved from BurgerSwap DEX that came into light in september 2020, forked from UniswapV2. Its one of the first cross-chain aggregators. In the early days of BurgerSwap, they envisioned to creating a ERC-2917 trying to be a game-changer, but it hasn't passed and with time, the DEX lost steam overtime. #Community 4/5 The team keeps their communications refreshed almost daily. The members are participative and has combined 178k followers across platforms. The overall traffic still good, as shows similarweb. The Dex has only 0,28% of TVL/Mktcap. #Tokenomics 3/5 The revenue streams comes from swapping, liquidity provisioning and its launchpad. Within the launch of BurgersCities, inserting a gamification along with a change in it's nomics, capping the 210million proposal to 42mm. While its not ideal, that keeps the project token with a fair pricing and a 9,44%+ Annual Inflation minus Repurchases+Destruction. (table1) (-2)The flaws comers from the "Depends on the situation" 10% token to Strategic Financing. https://burgercities.medium.com/burger-token-economic-model-update-announcement-c93d70e9bdef Show Less

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