$CSWAP is a utility token that has been launched with a strong emphasis on fairness and transparency. One notable aspect of its tokenomics is the allocation of 100% of the tokens into the liquidity pool, without any additional minting, and no team tokens withheld. I think this demonstrates a commendable effort towards transparency and community.

A 5% transaction tax is applied to both buying and selling. Of this, 75% is dedicated to the buyback and burning of $CSWAP tokens from the market, while the remaining 25% is distributed proportionately to token holders who possess more than 0.5% of the total supply, thereby rewarding long-term commitment.

While some may perceive the 5% tax as high, I believe this to be a carefully designed fee structure aimed at balancing the needs of development funding, active user rewards and long-term token value appreciation. However, I do think it is worth considering adjusting the distribution of the 25% fee to include holders with less than 0.5% of the supply. Currently, this represents only about 22 wallets out of over 3000, which could broaden the incentive to reward a larger portion of users for holding onto their tokens. Personally, I suggest revising this distribution criteria to be based on the duration of token holding, which would offer a fairer approach to rewarding users rather than just reward the already wealthy whale wallets; but at the same time I can see the logic of rewarding whales solely as they have the most influence on price so trying to incentive them not to dump is smart. However I think crypto is a big part all about community so I would prefer to see a whole community be rewarded rather than a select wealthy few. Show Less

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