Telegram & Twitter done perfectly, the rest not so much..

I would rate the Coinweb community 4 stars overall. The Telegram and Twitter channels were exceptional and received a top rating from me. The Telegram community was impressively active for its size, and the chatbot was a great addition to assist with common administrative questions. On Twitter, they were highly active, the community polls were particularly strong and always a hit as they do a great job of keeping things engaging. On the other hand, the YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels were below average, but these platforms do not carry much weight in my evaluation.

Detailed Channel Scores, Stats and Comments:

  • Telegram (Score: 5 | Size: >17K)

What’s Good: The channel is well organized and designed, and the community is active and supportive.

  • Twitter (Score: 5 | Size: 54K)

What’s Good: The content on the channel is of high quality and relevance, with regular posts and community polls that encourage engagement. There is a high level of social proof.

What Could Be Better: The channel only follows 30 accounts, mostly made up of VCs partners, exchanges and founders. For project this size they should reciprocate and follow more channels.

  • YouTube (Score: 2)

What Could Be Better: This channel does not add much value, with only one AMA and short 3-minute videos available. Second YouTube channel is dedicated to the Tech has more contents, here is a link to it

  • Facebook (Score: 2 | Size: 15K)

What Could Be Better: This channel has low frequency of content and does not add much value.

  • Instagram (Score: 2 | Size: 13K)

What Could Be Better: This channel is not providing much value and has limited content. Show Less

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