

CRO community is a pretty happy crowd.

I would give the community 4 stars for its smooth and well-run operation. Despite being one of the bigger crypto exchanges, the community is evenly matched in size and runs smoothly. The Telegram community with 106K members may seem underwhelming compared to the massive 2.6 Million followers on Twitter and 1 Million on Instagram, but Telegram is primarily used for general support questions. Discord serves a similar purpose. While there are plenty of How-To videos on YouTube, there seems to be a lack of content related to the Crypto card program, which is a common topic discussed on other channels. It is worth noting that the overall mood across all channels is very positive, with people expressing a genuine fondness for

Channel (Score| Stats) and Comments:

  • Telegram (Score: 4 | Size: 106K) What's Good: Active and involved community, no trading discussion allowed.

What Could be Better: All customer questions related to troubleshooting are redirected to contact a support team, which raises the question of why they cannot be supported within the community.

  • Twitter (Score: 4 | Size: 2.6M) What's Good: Extremely active with a lot of supporters and engagement.

  • Discord (Score: 3) What's Good: The channel is designed for support, exchange, trading discussions, community talk, and more. Unfortunately, it is not as active as it could be, but it does have bots and moderators who provide general answers.

  • YouTube (Score: 3 | Size: 91K) What's Good: Monthly released videos in a mostly "how to" format.

What Could be Better: There is a need for more videos about the Visa Card functionality and restrictions, as many users have questions about it but there is very little information available.

  • Facebook (Score: 4 | Size: 600K) What Could be Better: Just serves as a Twitter copy channel with low engagement.

  • Instagram (Score: 3 | Size: 1M)

  • Reddit (Score: 4 | Size: 185K) What's Good: Many contributors in the latest discussions are proving that the CRO community is strong and supportive. Show Less

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