

Based on the info on website, it seems like the main problem Dyor App is trying to solve is making decentralized finance (DeFi) more accessible to mainstream users.

They aim to provide an easy to use mobile interface for buying, selling, and staking cryptocurrencies through decentralized exchanges (DEXes) rather than centralized exchanges (CEXes). This could make DeFi more user-friendly.

Some of the potential issues and questions:

  1. What technology they will use?
  2. It will require cross chain bridging. How are they implementing it?
  3. Fiat on ramp may require licenses from different jurisdictions (No info on that)
  4. How the users will pay the fee (in dyor token)? How would they manage the variable gas fee?
  5. Quite a few projects doing the same. Chainge finance already have working product. Also https://www.withtap.com does some and a lot more that what Dyor will do. How Dyor differentiates itself ?
  6. Community/Dao driven approach on research and investing. Not clear how all these will work.
  7. Whitepaper/ Pitchdeck should be helpful to be on the website.
  8. No info on tokenomics on the website. Show Less
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