The website and project are top notch. +5 stars
I wish I could see the vesting schedule and pre-sale data. - 1 star The tokenomics doesn't bother me too much, although 3% for advisors versus 12.4% for the team, unless the team plan to disappear after a year or two, I wonder why advisors should have 1/3 of the value of what full time highly committed people receive. In most cases advisors do nothing, they are just used for marketing, so when I make the decision to invest in a project, I never once looked at who the advisors were. I feel it's just wasting tokens.
To compare in the tech world, founders often allocate 1-2% to advisors, while the team early on own 90%+ of the equity... Seriously, if advisors are worth anything, they should already be pretty wealthy by now, so if they believe in the project success, they can buy tokens during pre-sale and at launch like everyone else. This is not a complain strictly to Entangle, the entire crypto industry has been plagued with this practice which I think is ridiculous. Show Less