Decentralised storage is not the most exciting subject, but it's an important one, not just in Web3 but in life generally. The quicker we can move away from corporations owning our data and closer to it being private and under our personal control, the better. There have been a lot of big movers in this space over the past couple of years, but there doesn't meant there isn't room for more projects.

I like the ethos of this project with a focus on privacy and it's good to see they are using a client-side encryption library that handles the encryption process locally on the user's device, meaning the server side has no access to the keys or data.

What I'm not so clear about is what sets it apart from other solutions. Perhaps it's the pricing (see photo). I'm also not clear on the token utility which is only vaguely alluded to in the whitepaper. Additionally, having an undoxxed team and no listed partnerships doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in me either as a potential user or investor.

I wasn't able to access the pitchdeck which could've perhaps answered my above questions so I will wait for the team to let me know more about their USP and how their token will work. Show Less

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