Hydro Wind Energy ($HWE-AVAX) is an absolutely stunning project brought to us by Brickken, and is about to receive the most solid 5-star rating I’ve ever given. As in, after writing this review I’m going to check the deal terms and proceed to liquidate a portion of my portfolio to invest into this venture. The current equity round will end in approximately 11 days from this post (June 16). All information on the offering here: https://republic.com/hydro-wind-energy-3

ESG and ClimaTech is and will continue to be one of the driving narratives for the foreseeable future. HWE’s vision is to impact 1 billion people and reduce carbon emissions by 1 billion tons of CO2e by 2030.

HWE is developing 3 products to start disruption in both the water and energy sectors:

  1. OceanHydro Omni A unique technology that harnesses wind offshore in deep waters cost effectively.

  2. SubSeaRO Wind Combines the power of wind offshore, reverse osmosis membranes, and subsea pressure to desalinate seawater into freshwater in unprecedented volumes.

  3. QuenchSea A low-cost, manually powered device that converts seawater into drinkable.

The current equity funding round is being led by Techstars, and is being hosted as a RegCF securities offering by Republic. HWE is a Delaware Company with offices in San Francisco, and has all the backing and traction you would expect from a top-tier startup venture. Check out their fundraising stats, media coverage, and investors!

Be the change. https://hw.energy/ Show Less

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