This looks like a pure money making play to boost the value of JitoSOL. I could be wrong about that, but here's how I see it.

First of all, they are not good at explaining the issue that they are trying to solve. You really have to dig into the site to understand what MEV stands for and why it's important. I had to double check to see if they were talking about Maximum Extracted Value or another MEV. It was also difficult to understand how MEV translates to Disney FastPass. I get what they are trying to say, but it's just one example of poor explanations.

Second, they seem to be trying to put a band-aid on what should be fixed at the core level. If 58% of computational capacity on Solana is wasted by the activity of arbitrage bots, like they claim, then I don't see how their solution will ultimately help things. It would theoretically make the infrastructure more fractured.

Again, I could be missing something here because it's tough to see how things work without actually running a node. But it doesn't seem like this is a good long term solution.

The price has had a nice run up, but it's forming a potential head-and-shoulders top. Show Less

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