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The founding team behind LayerZero are a very interesting, smart and technical bunch. Bryan Pelligrino, Ryan Zarick and Caleb Banister have all been best friends since they worked together in computer network research labs at the University of New Hampshire where they all studied computer science. All three of them have had previous leadership and co-founding experience also, with Ryan and Caleb actually founding and running three previous tech companies together in the past – 80 Trill, Minimal AI and Coder Den.

All of them have super strong technical backgrounds and Bryan who was previously a lead engineer at Rho AI, who are a company which build customized data science products and services to solve real world problems at the highest level still participates in some of their projects as a ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ which he has been doing for over 7 years. Another interesting fact about Bryan was that he actually used to be one the world’s best poker players back around 2014 earning some big money, however he started to feel unfulfilled with the poker life and went on to find much more fulfilling purposes to use his brain power on. Bryan's LinkedIn bio writes - ‘Recently my time has been spent on Artificial Intelligence research on state space reduction and decomposition’ – seems like he made the right decision to leave the poker game trying to tackle these kind of challenges.

Even though Bryan appears to have a few other projects on the go aside from LayerZero that could take some of his attention away from the project, the other two more than capable co-founders seem pretty laser focused on LayerZero so I don’t think this will affect the project. Overall this leadership team should be more than capable to tackle the complexities which the Layer Zero project will bring and lead its team to success. Show Less


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