Mogul Productions: DeFi for Movies!

Hollywood has long dominated cinematography industry, Netflix disrupted the concept of movie making, that is Hollywood typically releases movies in theaters before making them available for home viewing, while Netflix releases its content directly to its streaming platform for immediate access by subscribers, still Netflix orchestrates, deals and works with contractors, studios and so on.

Welcome to Mogul Productions, built to disrupt cinematography as we know it, today!

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and movie-based NFT platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice.

By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.

More about business model, team, marketing efforts to be shared, very soon. Show Less

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